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Eighty-metre high Redhead Point marks the southern end of the rocky Newcastle shoreline, and the beginning of Nine Mile Beach (NSW 250). The beach initially trends due southwest as Redhead Beach (Fig. 4.145), curving to the south in the last 3 km as Blacksmith Beach, to terminate against the northern entrance wall for Lake Macquarie. The beach is backed by a sand barrier, which widens to 1.5 km in the north where extensive sand dunes dominate. On the northern side of the dunes the 10 ha Jewells Swamp drains to the beach via two small creeks including Crokers Creek, with a third Freshwater Creek draining the northern headland to cross the beach just south of the surf club. South of the dunes the 200 ha Belmont Swamp and Lagoon back much of the beach, together with the central Belmont sewer works and southern golf course. The only vehicle access is in the north at Redhead and south at Blacksmiths. The northern Redhead end of the beach has a long and interesting association with swimming and surf life saving. The Redhead SLSC was formed in 1907 on what was then a private beach. The lifesavers were known as the 'Durham Boys', as most worked in the adjacent Durham coal mine. The first subdivision of the Redhead estate took place in 1911 thereby opening the beach to the public. Today the Lambton Colliery still operates at Redhead which remains a compact mining town surrounded by the Awabakal Nature Reserve to the north; the colliery and railway to the west; the Nine Mile Beach dunes to the south; and the ocean to the east. The public is however welcome with parking and a park adjacent to the surf club. The beach extends for 10.4 km (making it 7 miles not 9 miles long) and for the most part is fully exposed to southerly waves which average 1.6 m, only decreasing slightly along Blacksmiths Beach. A well-developed double bar system runs the length of the beach decreasing to one bar at Blacksmiths. The inner bar is cut by rips every 200-300 m producing up to 50 rips along the beach. A wide, deep trough lies offshore, then the outer bar with rips spaced every 500 m or more (Fig. 4.146). The Redhead surf club is located on a rock outcrop 100 m south of Redhead Point. The stretch of sand between the club and the point is known as Little Redhead and under most conditions has a strong, permanent rip against the point. Rips occur at the point, at the rocks in front of the club and all the way down the beach to Blacksmiths. Fortunately they are usually separated by attached bars up to 200 m long, upon which are the best place to swim.
Beach Length: 10km
General Hazard Rating: 6/10

Patrolled Beach Flag Patrols

23 Mar
17 Mar
18 Mar
19 Mar
20 Mar
21 Mar
22 Mar
Redhead SLSC
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
Lake Macquarie City Council Lifeguard Service
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
Swansea Belmont SLSC
10:00 -17:00
10:00 -17:00
Lake Macquarie City Council Lifeguard Service
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00


Passenger ferry




SLSA provides this information as a guide only. Surf conditions are variable and therefore this information should not be relied upon as a substitute for observation of local conditions and an understanding of your abilities in the surf. SLSA reminds you to always swim between the red and yellow flags and never swim at unpatrolled beaches. SLSA takes all care and responsibility for any translation but it cannot guarantee that all translations will be accurate.